dimanche 24 août 2014
Become one of the top tourist destinations in Spain, Catalonia has found the recipe to please the greatest number: a history among the oldest in Europe, a capital, Barcelona, "City of Wonders" and a hinterland full of charm to forget the crowded beaches of the Costa Brava.
The stunning array of art treasures, from delightful Romanesque churches to the biggest names in modern art and architecture, Dali, Gaudi, Miro, Picasso .. there also counts for a lot.

Barcelona, between sea and mountain, found a great balance: one foot in tradition and the other in the forefront. Barcelona has a reputation for being the most cosmopolitan, modern and avant-garde city in Spain and has a new look during the Olympics in 1992.

You can visit during your stay:
  The Costa Brava is named "wild side" to his troubled path. Nature, climate and history, its picturesque ports and some villages have earned him a worldwide reputation.
  Costa Dorada, south of Barcelona, is the color of gold - soft, warm, bright - predominant maritime coast, which gave him just the "Costa Dorada" (the Gold Coast).

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